G2020 Young Equity Analyst Program

New York Institute of Finance


21 Jul 2025 - 01 Aug 2025

08:00 PM - 10:00 PM



Virtual (Live)







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G2020 Young Equity Analyst Program

The Young Equity Analyst (YEA) Program of the New York Institute of Finance (NYIF) is a hands-on practical learning program for stock analysis, trading and related financial and investment education.

  • Learn how the ups and downs of the economy affect industries differently
  • Start with a basic understanding of important financial statements and ratios
  • Analyze world-renowned companies such as Facebook, Netflix, Nike, Chipotle, or Tesla by understanding exactly how they make money
  • With our step-by-step model templates, we practice forecasting future sales growth, profits, expenses, and cash flow
  • Be an amazing stock detective through our stock research methods and by asking the right questions in your investigations.

Key Benefits:

  • NYIF Young Equity Analyst (YEA) Certificate
  • Reference letter from NYIF after graduating from the program
  • Present your completed financial model/analysis to a future employer!
  • Qualify for YFS Advanced and get invited to gain volunteer experience in the non-profit Global PAI Project
  • Become NYIF Young Alumni with access to a network of international professionals/alumni of top US universities
  • Be eligible for various NYIF scholarships

Topic 1

  • Understand four most important drivers of the economy
  • Learn which industries perform better or worse during different market and business cycles
  • Study how businesses frameworks, such as SWOT, are used to analyze competition and barriers to entry which Warren Buffet refers to as moats

Topic 2

  • Learn to decipher financial statements such as income statements and balance sheets
  • Understand why cash flow is as important as location in real estate
  • Using ratios, compare sales growth, profitability, and efficiency with real-time examples across various industries
  • Case studies may include Apple, Nike, Nintendo, Netflix, Snapchat

Topic 3

  • Review calculations of future and present value of cash flows
  • Contrast the cost of raising money to expand companies with stock vs. debt
  • Analyze how to use US government bonds to calculate expected stock returns of different companies with CAPM and WACC equations
  • Case studies may include technology, staples, and Disney

Topic 4

  • Learn Free Cash Flow equations
  • Input your assumptions into our step-by-step Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF) financial model to calculate your fair value for stocks
  • Case Studies may include Amazon, Facebook, Google, Jetblue, Starbucks, Tesla, and more

Topic 5

  • Learn techniques to forecast financial statements.
  • Explore specific industry metrics, company history, and research current trends to forecast future sales, profits, and expenses
  • Generate your own ideas using our research analyst techniques
  • Perform your own research to make money
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G2020 Young Equity Analyst Program

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