Introduction to Financial Modeling

New York Institute of Finance


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Introduction to Financial Modeling

Hands-on introduction to three essential classes of financial models: corporate finance, risk management, and structured finance - practicing theory, accounting and technical implementation of each type.

This course is currently inactive. Please see the following alternative courses:

Module 1: Introduction to the Three Kinds of Models

  • Accounting Basics
  • Introduction to the language of finance
  • Reading financial statements: cash flow statement, balance sheet and income statement

Module 2: Corporate Finance Models

  • Ratio analysis models -- computing and interpreting
  • Model assumptions and limitations
  • Pro-forma projections -- creating and interpreting
  • Model assumptions and limitations
  • Introduction to discounted cash flows (DCFs)
  • Time value of money and cash flow mechanics
  • Introduction to the DCF valuation method
  • Creating and interpreting DCF-based valuation models
  • Model assumptions and limitations

Module 1: Risk Models

  • Introduction to risk and reward in a financial context
  • Key characteristics and limitations of discount-rate risk measures
  • Creating and comparing discount-rate risk models
  • Understanding key assumptions and model limitations
  • Essential aspects of statistics and probability for financial modeling
  • Basic models of probabilistically-measured risk
  • Creation of probabilistically-measured risk models
  • Understanding key assumptions and model limitations

Module 2: Structured Finance Models

  • Introduction to structured finance: lending against cash flows

Module 3: A Basic Mortgage-Backed Security Model

  • Aggregating the assets
  • Modeling the basic cash flows
  • Modeling prepayments and defaults
  • Measuring risk

Module 4: A Basic Generalized Asset-Backed Security Model

  • Considering the included assets
  • Modeling the basic cash flows
  • Modeling prepayments and defaults
  • Measuring risk
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