{ "instructor": {
"name": "Chris White",
"expertise": ["Fixed Income","Trading Platforms", "Equity Trading","Bond Sales"],
"short desc": "Chris White has 18 years of financial services experience with more than 12 years dedicated to fixed income electronic business development. His comprehensive background includes equity trading, bond sales, trading platform development and proprietary product development",
"current position": "CEO ViableMkts, a fintech strategic consulting firm.",
"past positions": "Lead Inventor of the GSessions corporate bond trading platform. Creator of the first corporate bond IOI (indication of interest). Editor and publisher of the Friday Newsletter ",
"education": ["BA, Psychology, Brown University","BA, Organizational Behavior Management, Brown University"],
"Press": [
"Bloomberg Business, What's Happening in the High Yield Bond Market, Dec 2015",
"Bloomberg Business, Investors' Experience High-Yield Bond Market Anxiety, Dec 2015"