Excel and VBA Programming for Finance
This course will teach you the essential elements of Excel and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to develop practically useful applications for finance.
This course comprises the following component courses:
- Fundamental Excel Skills for Finance (Day 1)
- VBA Programming for Finance (Days 2 & 3)
Prerequisite knowledge:
- Basic familiarity with MS Excel
- Basic mathematics and statistics
- Some knowledge of financial instruments and markets
Module 1: Review of Excel Basics
- Ranges
- Basic functions
- Creating formulas
- Creating charts
Module 2: Useful Excel Functions
- Logical and information functions
- Text functions
- Lookup functions
- Date and time functions
- Mathematical functions
- Statistical functions
- Arrays and matrices
- Solving sytems of linear equations: Matrix algebra
Module 3: Modeling Tools
- Goal Seek and Solver
- Solving non-linear equations
- Optimization
- Computing the yield to maturity for a bond
- Sensitivity and scenario analysis
- Simulation: Generating random numbers
Module 4: Data Analysis
- Sorting and filtering data
- Data tables
- Pivot tables
- Importing Bloomberg data
- Statistical and regression analysis
Module 1: VBA Fundamentals
- Recording and running macros
- Data types, variables, constants and arrays
- Functions and subroutines
- Private vs. public procedures
- Built-in functions and statements
Module 2: VBA Programming Tools
- Variable scope
- Flow control, loops and exception handling
- A Black-Scholes function
- Calling Solver with VBA
- Automating bond yield computations
- Monte Carlo simulation
Module 1: Advanced VBA Topics
- Passing arguments to subroutines and functions
- Pass by value vs. pass by reference
- The Excel object model
- Debugging
- Error trapping
- Creating add-ins
Module 2: Working with Data
- External data, files, databases and websites
- Reading and writing .csv and .txt files
- Sharing data with other MS Office applications
- Accessing Bloomberg data with VBA